Welcome to Europatat

Europatat is the European Potato Trade Association.

It gathers national associations and companies involved in the trade of seed potatoes and ware potatoes from all over Europe.



EUROPATAT, the European Potato Trade Association, comprises both national associations and individual companies involved in the trade of seed, ware and early potatoes throughout Europe. Its members include a wide range of traders (including breeders, distributors, storers, packers, importers and exporters) delivering seed potatoes to farmers, as well as raw material to the food industry, packed potatoes to the retailers and food service sector. Europatat, is an international non-profit association established under Belgian legislation (1919). Europatat is registered in the EU register of interest representatives under n° 16057181340-75.

This website will guide you through the main aspects of our organisation: its mission and objectives, its structure, its main activities and publications. The members’ area provides further info on the Association’s activities and contains the Europatat Circulars.


Latest news

The Polish potato packer Agrosad joins Europatat!

Europatat warmly welcomes Agrosad, one of the largest potato packaging companies in Poland. AGROSAD was founded more than 30 years ago, in 1992, on the basis of a farm cultivating edible potatoes for early harvest. In the first years of activity, the company was...


Members of Europatat benefit from a wide range of services and advantages enabling them to get a grip on the many regulatory challenges that face the potato sector today: trade barriers, increasing concerns over food safety and sustainability, labelling, etc.

Read more on what Europatat can mean for your company and how you can strengthen the potato trade.

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