

International Day of Potato

On 9 December 2023, the United Nations decided to designate 30 May as International Day of Potato. The annual observance was championed by Peru, which submitted a proposal for adoption to the UN General Assembly based on an FAO Conference Resolution of 7 July 2023.

The impetus for the Day, which builds upon the International Year of Potato that was observed in 2008, originates from the need to emphasise the significant role of the potato in tackling prevalent global issues, such as food insecurity, poverty and environmental threats.


Europatat supported since the beginning the initiative, which also found strong support among European countries such as Ireland or Belgium, and international entities such as the World Potato Congress.

Discover with us the potential of the potato!


Why an International Day of Potato?

Potatoes are a key crop across diverse farming systems globally, ranging from smallholders producing diverse local varieties in the Andes, to vast commercial, mechanised farms in different continents. Potatoes contribute to the food security and nutrition as well as and livelihoods and employment of people in rural and urban areas the world over.

The IDP is an opportunity to build on the International Year of the Potato, which was observed in 2008. The observance will also be used to underscore the importance of the crop to combating hunger and poverty and addressing environmental threats to agrifood systems.

You can discover more about the IDP in the dedicated page on FAO’s website.


Europatat actions 2024

On 30 May 2024, Europatat joined the first celebration of the International Day of Potato designated by the United Nations and FAO under the theme “Harvesting diversity, feeding hope”.

For one week, Europatat run an online campaign entitled “7 days, 7 potato facts” with the objective to inform about this important milestone and promote the vital role of potatoes in contributing to better EU’s agriculture, economy, livelihoods and nutrition.

Potatoes contribute to key objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals, such as achieving zero hunger, promoting sustainable agriculture and advancing economic opportunities as they provide key opportunities for employment and sustainable economic growth along their value chains.

Let’s continue to promote the value of potatoes for a better life and a better world!


Other actions and interesting links

Other trustful and recommended sources of information about the International Day of Potato are:


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