Culture Pom was born in July 2017 from the union of the companies Val Terroirs and Subnegoce, which were specialised in the production and trade of potatoes since decades. This fusion has allowed Culture Pom to continue their expansion and to better meet the requirements of the current markets.

Today, Culture Pom not only exports to 15 countries, but also provides a range of services to support their producers and to ensure the highest standards of quality. Among these services are: seed treatments advise; planting harvesting support; technical support; and storage and packaging of potatoes. Culture Pom’s team is based in three different production areas (Champagne, Fontenay-de-Bossery and Hauts de France) in order to keep them close to their producers.

In addition, Culture Pom is currently developing its activity in Eastern Europe. Please get in contact with Ms Mariana Antoneag for more information.

Discover more about our members here.

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