On 29 and 30 January, Europatat attended the annual Info Days on agrifood promotion campaigns organised by DG AGRI (European Commission) and the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Europatat is a proud supporter of the EU’s promotion policy, which serves as a key instrument to communicate and educate consumers about the versatility, sustainability and health benefits of potatoes amongst many other products.

The annual event, which is organised to help applicants to submit their applications for the 2025 Calls for proposals for new agri-food promotion programmes, also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the promotion policy and was opened by new EU agri-food Commissionner Christoph Hansen.

Key highlights from the event:

  • The first day was dedicated to policy aspects. In his welcome speech, Commissioner Christoph Hansen highlighted the importance of the promotion policy for EU’s agriculture and trade balance, and announced that a very strong international pillar is to be included in the upcoming EU’s vision for agriculture (expected to be published on 19 February). He also confirmed his support to an inclusive promotion policy, without exclusion to any products or production methods.
    Moreover, speakers from the European Commission presented the priorities of the 2025 Annual Work Programme and eligibility rules. Further efforts for simplification of the rules will be continued in 2025, following the publication of a Delegated Act on 24 January introducing lump sums and clarifying some rules (e.g. continuation rules). DAY 1: Recording is available here.


  • The second day focused on practical presentations on how to develop successful campaigns. The presentations tackled several challenging aspects, such as addressing the award criteria in 2025 programme proposals, integrating the work packages, budgetary aspects, how to set a good campaign strategy and how to successfully develop communication campaigns.
    Laure Payrastre, from CNIPT (France), gave a presentation about the ongoing campaign “Potatoes forever” which is being doing jointly with the Italian association UNAPA. This 3-year promotion programme aims at educating European consumers about sustainable practices in the fresh potato sector. DAY 2: Recording is available here.

More details about the event and presentations from speakers are available here. You can find all the related information on the promotion policy can be found here.

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